Day 148 : While I'm Waiting

Slowly counting the days. . .

While I'm waiting, I keep praying
While I'm waiting, the Lord strengthens my heart.
While I'm waiting, I am being refined and polished.

I once took that leap of faith and yet everything did not go as expected, and it scares me a little to give it another try. It's inevitable to feel scared, but my thoughts are at peace knowing that God perfectly planned everything to take me where I am now. 

The frustration, the unmet expectations, the phase where I struggled with self-pity and depression for how things 'could have been better IF', the learning experiences, the people I met along the way, even the simple yet enjoyable moments - morning walks, lunch outs and in between's, God used them all to shape my character and prepare me for the next phase of my life. God truly works all things together for our good.

My blue and gold armor says "Let your light shine and be a blessing". In one way or another, I know my light has reached places, quite enough to let me bloom still, on rocky ground.

The past two years of my life containing the most heart wrenching chapters, lead me to a deeper and more intimate relationship with Christ. This beautiful exchange drastically shaped me, and brought me to a state of continual awareness of His hand over my life. Hence, I am more so propelled to do all my actions for the love of Christ...and live Jesus in my heart.

I am exactly where I'm meant to be, and where I'll be going - oh, the road might be uncertain but I trust the One who holds my future, the One who makes everything beautiful in His time - and my heart dances with joy in that truth. I am living in that truth. Truth in Love. 

Here's to a new chapter of my life waiting to unfold.
It's going to be wonderful, it's going to be amazing, it's going to be more than what I imagined to be.
After all, He always exceeds every expectation. He has my best interests at heart.

When it's time, it's time.
By then, I'll be ready.